

Nothing and no one will ever prepare you for motherhood.

At the age of 33, I became mother for the first time of a little girl . The first pregnancy brings with it a mixture of emotions – a prevailing fear of the unknown. You start hearing so many stories about childbirth but every childbirth is a different experience.

Advice on how to raise kids, flourish from every corner…..even from people you do not know….and they will keep coming throughout the years. Every corner you turn you will find someone, willing to give out pearls of wisdom….which let’s be honest most of the time you can do without. The only option is to politely accept their advice, as the the end of the day, it is only you who knows what is best for your child.

All imaginable worries will pass through your mind during your pregnancy but your motherly instinct will guide you.

Everything is new and so exciting……during pregnancy you imagine yourself walking around the park, with that funky pushchair, hair done, make-up and stylish mummy attire…….but then reality hits, the baby is born, you are back home and you have barely slept a whole night in months, you look like a zombie and the most stylish hairstyle you manage to do is a ponytail. The first few months can be tough, but one day you will get your life back…..hopefully.

They used to tell me that with the second child it is easier.  You know the drill, you do not have the fear of the unknown, you already know what you have to do but it is not mean it is easier. Each child is different and juggling the schedules of two kids, is complicated and needs good planning.

In my case, my daughter is my daughter is in grade 3, so between homework, cathecisim and extra curricular activities and managing an almost 2 year old boy, it can get quite crazy.

The days are full and the nights seem to be so short!!!!

By the end to the day, I am exhausted and have little time for myself.

Despite all the craziness, I would not imagine my life without my kids.



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