
Valentine’s Day

Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and with it also Carnival.

I have always seen Valentine’s Day, as a very materialistic celebration, although I must admit that when I was younger, I always hoped to have a valentine to celebrate with, but always ended up unequivocally single.Do you do anything special for Valentine’s Day?  In our household we do not really celebrate it……so I am not upset if my husband does not get me flowers.  However, I do try to cook something special, but since this year Valentine’s Day happens to fall on Ash Wednesday (we being Catholics) will be very much limited in my recipes repertoire.

Two years ago, I had the best present for Valentine’s Day I could ever get.  My son was born was on 13 February 2016.  Since then our lives have changed, he has such a bubbly character and is so cheeky.  He is truly a Rainbow baby.

Whether you celebrate Valentine’s day or not just remember to celebrate love everyday… should not wait for Valentine’s day to write a special note to your husband or to say I Love You.  Do not take anyone for granted.  Involve the kids, the encourage them to celebrate love, through an act of kindness.

Where there is Love, there is Life




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