
Meal Prep

Meal prep is a good way to set you up for healthy eating habits.  However, let’s be honest…..I do struggle with meal prepping and I don’t do it religiously every week despite am fully aware of it’s benefits. I do fail miserably in this, despite knowing what to do 🙁

Spending a few hours meal prepping during the weekend can be tiring, especially after a long week……… it is the last thing on my mind during the weekend, as I have other chores to do.  However, whenever I meal prep, my week is much more organized and smooth.  Meal prepping can sound complicated and overwhelming but only until you get into the routine.

When food is already prepared, we are more likely to eat and snack on healthy food.   Start with simple steps, such as cutting vegetables like carrots, celery and cucumbers – anything that you can snack on during the week.  If you like nuts, portion them in advance – this will help you with your intake of nuts.

Once you have adjusted into the routine of prepping, go a step further and start preparing your lunches for work.  However before you start preparing your family’s lunches for the week make sure:

  1. You have enough containers and the right containers for the job.
  2. Prepare the menu for the week;
  3. Go grocery shopping for any missing items;
  4.  Try and incorporate as many items of the same but different variations (this will save you having a mess in the kitchen);
  5. Multi task – whilst the chicken is cooking, start boiling the eggs.

When you get into the habit of meal prepping, increase the difficulty and start preparing your dinners.

Life happens and there will be weeks where you do not meal prep, for that matter sometimes you would not even meal plan… what happened to me this month.  That’s ok just the same, the most important thing is that you do not give up and keep on trying.




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