
4 Tips to get organized

Some of us have a natural inclination towards being organized and implementing systems that function and which are also visually appealing.  Others on the other hand, struggle to keep everything organized and find it difficult to keep up with clutter and putting things back into their place.  Today I will share with you some tips to help you in your journey to get organized:

Photo by Oli Dale on Unsplash

  1. Declutter 

Tackle one area at time.  If you have not used something for the past year, it is very unlikely that you will need it in the future.  Start by separating the items into 3 piles – keep, donate, trash.  Sometimes we find it difficult to let go of things – there are various methods which help you take a decision.  One of them is the KonMari Method ( – it is a lifestyle and encourages people to keep things that spark joy in their lives.

      2. Identify what works for your family

Now that you have identified what you want to keep, do not rush out to purchase organization systems, otherwise you will end up with more clutter.  Sit down and write down what you would like your space to look like, and what needs to be done to achieve your vision…..make a list of what is needed.  Your vision might not necessarily fit with that of the other members of your family, so find a compromise.  Find what works for all the family.

       3. Identify problem areas

Each household has its own hot spots….an area which always seems to accumulate clutter and is a drop off zone for everything, being mail, keys, bags or mobile phones.  For keys, mobile phones and like items, place a small tray in the hot spot so everything is placed in one area and not all over the place.  Tidy up that area on a regular basis – be disciplined and lead by example.

4. Everything has a home

Everything you own, should have a place…..being clothes, books, toys…..everything has its designated space.  Sort out like items together and put them in their designated space. Getting into the habit of putting things back in their place, can take some time but once mastered it’s a big step and drastically reduced clutter.

Make it easier by organizing your space with bins and containers and label everything….even if it is obvious what the container has.  Having a constant visual reminder, helps you be accountable and helps other members of your family, to put things in the right space.  If you have small children, it would help to label bins with pictures….it will also teach them associating the picture with the word.

It can take some time, until one finds the right organizational system… do not be discouraged if it does not work immediately.  Each area in your home might need different organization, it is a learning process…..but once you find the right system, the benefits are great.

Continue following this blog for more tips how to get organized room by room.




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