
Kids and Exams

For most of us mums, the month of June means exams. This is the first year my daughter is doing exams and obviously my first year dealing with it as a parent.

I got armed with past papers, alternative working books, worksheets, pens and papers, ready to help my daughter in her studies.

However, it has been a dreadful experience. Trying to encourage my daughter to study and to explain the importance has been a rollercoaster. I always start with good intentions and visualize myself like the loving photos you see on social media, whereby mother and daughter are smiling whilst studying. Aaah that ain’t happening.

The reality is that I always end up frustrated, angry and crying, nothing even remotely close those loving photos. I try my best to keep calm, but when it starts off without a book that you had repeatedly asked your child to bring home to study on, you know nothing nice is awaiting ahead.

Somehow, I get through and do another subject by searching on the internet and use what we have. I did find out that using YouTube videos for studying, has somewhat motivated my daughter…..until I request that she puts to paper what she has just learnt.

And what about the million bathroom breaks, and snacks that need to be taken??!! I am there waiting for her return to continue….whilst my son is destroying the house… I cann’t move cause otherwise she gets away.

So yes, these exams are driving me up the wall. I am frustrated, angry and stressed out, and I imagine most of you are. Please spare me, those comments about ‘eventually they will learn’, ‘positive reinforcement’, ‘don’t stress your child’, because deep down you all want your kids to do well in their exams and am sure you won’t be rejoicing if they fail in an exam.

Maybe I might sound old fashioned, but putting kids in a bubble and trying to let them live a stress free life is a delusion. Whether you agree with our educational system and exams is another story, but until they are there, kids have to learn the importance of commitment and meeting deadlines.

Kudos to you if you manage to go through this period without frustration and anger. Well done if you let it pass by like a breeze during the hot summer months. Unfortunately, I cannot and I have to learn to live with it and find ways and means to get through it because I just started and have many years to come.

In the meantime I wish all the students good luck in their exams.


Strugglingmum xxxx

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