
7 Mum Hacks for Back to School

“A Good System Shortens the Road to the Goal” by Orisan Swett Marden

At the beginning of the scholastic year, I am armed with all the good intentions to be organized and on top of things . Throughout the years, I have introduced different systems to help me stay organized and every year I try to improve on those systems.

Last year, I introduced the homework station, whereby I just set up two box files and any school papers or pending homework was placed in there. I must say it worked wonders.

As the children grow, more activities and homework come our way, so I am always seeking systems that would make life easier for all the family. Here are the systems that I am introducing this year, and others that have been using for some time.


Mornings are tight and every second counts. Therefore, this year I am trying out a breakfast station on my kitchen countertop, which idea I got from the YouTube channel Clutterbug.

The concept is to put a basket on your kitchen countertop with breakfast items to grab on the go. Prepare the basket the night before to save time in the morning.

  • In my basket I have set up some croissants, pane al latter and  cereal.  The cereal I stored in the Stasher Snack bag to keep the cereal fresh. My kids love taking cereal as a snack, not just for breakfast.

  • 2. After School Snacks

    I don’t know about your children, but mine as soon as they come out of school, their first words are ‘I am hungry‘.

    I always try and keep some snacks in the car that don’t go bad (especially in the sun). As much as possible, I keep healthier options for the car and I find that the Kiddylicious range offers that option. Once the finish, I replenish the snacks accordingly.

    Whether it’s snacks for at home or out and about, I always portion the snacks.  I find that the Stasher snack bags are the ideal size for taking snacks on the go.  Besides they are environmental friendly and can be used for different things not just food.  Love having multipurpose things.  You can check out all the range of the Stasher bags here.

    Kiddylicious snacks for the car
    Stasher bag & Kiddylicious snacks for the car

    3. Lunch boxes & lunches

    Each year, I always end up buying a new lunch box for my kids. I am sure you can all relate that having innovate and fresh ideas for lunches is challenging. It is a trial and error – you know how kids are, one day they love something and the next they hate it.

    However, I try and give various healthy options for lunch time. Honestly having a bento style lunch box helps me, give my kids a balance lunch.

    My son attends Breakfast Club, and although they provide cereal, I always give him an extra portion of the cereal.  If he does not take it during Breakfast Club, he can always take them as a snack until I pick him up from Klabb 3-16.

    As far as my daughter is concerned, whenever she has extra curricular activities, I always pack her an extra snack in the Stasher snack bag to avoid that she restores to the vending machine.

    Throughout these years making lunches, I have learnt the following:

    An extra tip, place a note in your child’s lunch box. They will surely be happy to see that you are thinking of them.

    4. Family Calendar

    Instead of using the usual paper calendar, I opted for a DIY version. You can make it as big as you want. I set it up in the kitchen for all the family to see. If you have missed the YouTube video about how I make the family calendar you can click here to watch


    Getting into the routine after summer can be difficult. It is advisable to start getting back into the routine at least 3 weeks before school starts.

    Wherever possible, start rehearsing your routine so you would have ample time to adjust. If in the morning you need to rush out of the door, do not put many tasks during the morning.

    Your morning routine, actually starts the night before. The more you can prepare in the evening, the less stressful the morning would be.

    Once you establish that the routine is realistic and manageable, write it on a piece of paper, where all the family can see. Your children will know what to expect – use pictures if your children still don’t know how to read.

    A good idea which I recently read about is to place a sticky note, next to your door, listing important things you have to take with you – especially if it is something that you don’t normally take.

    6.Homework Station

    Having a homework station helps with centralizing school papers and homework which might not necessarily be for the next day. Having a place where to put school papers and such, helps keeping your fridge clear from papers.

    7.Drop Zone

    Whether next to the homework station, your desk or an area in your kitchen, it is good to have a drop zone. What is exactly the drop zone? The drop zone is an area where your children place their school bags. This way, you would not have school bags running around the house, but in one designated space.

    Wishing you all good luck for the next scholastic year.


    Strugglingmum xxx

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