
You have decluttered, now what?

You have decluttered, now what?

Congratulations!!! You have successfully decluttered your home and the only items in your home, are those you need and you love (remember that decluttering is an ongoing process, therefore in a few months time you need to go again through your items). Your drawers look decent, but you feel you need to take it a step further. 

You browse through Pinterest and you see those perfectly organized drawers and pantries.  But how can you achieve those level of organization?

What you should ask yourself, is how can I maintain that level of organization and keep it looking perfect all the time?


1. Find your style

Don’t copy organizational systems – instead get inspired by them!!!

Everyone’s organizational style is different and what works for me will not necessarily work for you.

For example, for some people having clear countertops (minimalist style), is not for them because they like to see their things, but that does not mean they are not organized.  They might need to invest into more open shelving rather than enclosed cupboards.

Those who prefer the minimalist approach, and like to hide everything into a cupboard, might find it stressful to stay sorting by type and color.  For those kind of people, baskets would be great, but having generic catergories (such as pens, or t-shirts).

Until you find your organizational style it’s a matter of trial and error.


2. Functionality vs Aesthetics

Getting a space that is functional and aesthetically pleasing takes time……and sometimes a lot of frustration.

The need to storage space, grows as the family grows.  It is very common, that when you move into a new home the first time, one thinks more about the aesthetic aspect of furniture and design, rather than functionality and storage. 

As the family grows, we realize that those living room cupboards are a nightmare to keep organized, and that we need to turn that extra room into an additional bedroom.

It’s a matter of experience.  Nowadays, if I need to change furniture or appliance, I not only think of the aesthetic aspect, but how can I get it organized and serve our family needs.

3. Choosing the right product

Have you ever thought that choosing the right product, depends on your organizing style and functionality?


Your style of organizing and your lifestyle, pretty much determine the type of product will work for you and your needs.

If you are the type of person that does not find it difficult to tidy up after themselves, than choosing a container with a lid is no deal breaker.    Why?  Because if you find it difficult to put things away, then  the lid will be a barrier for you and you would still not put things away.

If on the other hand, you are the type of person that forgets what you have because “out of sight out of mind”, then woven baskets or fabric bins are not for you.  Opt for clear containers.

Clear containers, will help those procrastinators to tackle the clutter that would accumulate.


The above, together with the space you have will determine how your organized space will look like.

As I always say, before investing into organizational systems, use & reuse what you have a home.  Once you are happy with how it works, then you can purchase products that will make your space look pretty.

After all, everyone wants their space to look pretty.  Don’t run before you learn how to walk.





Strugglingmum xxx

If you would like to determine, what is your organizational style or still uncertain how to organize your space please feel free to contact me for a free consultation on or contact me via my social media platforms.

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