
4 Tips to set up an online learning station

Homeschooling or rather online schooling has now become a thing.  It’s a new reality that we have to embrace whether we like it or not.  However, I believe that we always have to get the positive out of everything, and this is a good opportunity to set up an online schooling station, that will not only serve your kids now but also in the future.

Setting up an online schooling station will help your children get into the right frame of mind.  It helps create that class environment away from school.  Therefore, in this blog post am sharing some basic principles that you need to keep in mind when setting up your child’s online schooling station.


Choose a space in your home that is quiet and that it is not in their playroom.  Remember that this space will not only be used for doing homework, but also to follow online lessons.  A space that your kids will be using for several hours during the day, because the bed is definitely not the ideal place to follow online lessons.

An important factor when choosing the designated area, is to choose a space that has natural light.  If it is next to a window, make sure it has blinds to avoid any glares on the monitor. 

Choose a quiet area in the home, where your kids can concentrate and don’t have too many distractions. Choosing the right desk and chair is just as important as the space in itself.


Make sure that you have enough space for all the materials your child needs during online lessons.  You don’t want your child, running around looking for a notebook or a pen.  Make a list of what items they would possibly need and have it available…including technical gadgets such as headphones, laptop, mouse and even instructions on how to login in.  This will help your child be prepared in the best possible manner.


Classrooms under normal circumstances are fun and colorful.  So get inspired by that, and set up some colorful charts (school related).  Use colorful baskets to organize their supplies and display their artwork.  Do let them participate in decorating this area, after all it’s their space.


Keep the area organized and tidy is important, just like at school the do ‘clean up’, then the same should apply at home.  Depending on the age of your child, they mind need some help with cleaning up.  Make it as easy as possible by color coding bins and using simple organizational systems. 

Have an organized and tidy area, will get them started on the right foot the next day.

If you see that something is not working, then rectify immediately.  You want that online schooling would be as beneficial as possible for your child’s education.  So don’t hesitate to recreate that classroom feel in your own home.



Strugglingmum xxx

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