
Spring Cleaning without feeling overwhelmed

Spring cleaning

Spring cleaning can be an overwhelming task, and although we all have our cleaning routines there are some areas that we tend to either neglect or are not done as often as other areas.  

In this blog post we shall go through some tips on how not to feel overwhelmed when it comes to spring cleaning.

I would be assuming that you would have already done a good decluttering session…but if you have not prior to embarking into spring cleaning take time to declutter.

Let’s jump right in.


1. Have a plan

Don’t try to tackle this task in one day.  The best way to approach it is to make a plan of what needs to be cleaned and set a timeline, spreading them over a number of weeks.  Be realistic as to what you can actually achieve in a week.  Don’t try and fit more than one task per day.

2. Create a checkist

Now that you have a plan of action, create a detailed checklist of what items need to be deep cleaned.  This will help you not only stay focused, but also helps you keep track of when you deep cleaned a particular appliance and so on.

3. Have your Supplies

Each time you are going to start a task, make sure that you have all your cleaning supplies readily available.  You don’t want to stay running around because you forgot your vacuum or because you ran out of a particular cleaning product.

4. Outsource tasks & schedule appointments

There are tasks that are far easier to outsource than to do them yourself.  Don’t try to deep clean a carpet by yourself – it would be better to ask professionals to come clean your carpet.  Items you might consider outsourcing could be deep cleaning of carpets, mattresses and air conditions.  Make sure to schedule the respective appointments.

5. Don't limit Spring cleaning to Spring

Just because it’s called Spring cleaning, does not mean that you have to do it only in the Spring time.  If you are able to do this deep cleaning, several times during the year, when it comes to Spring cleaning it would be easier and faster. 


Once you are done with Spring cleaning, make sure to take a well deserved treat.




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