
4 Tips to create a Back to School Routine

4 tips to create a back to school routine

Summer is almost over and it’s time to start preparing for back to school routine.  Getting back into the routine can be difficult especially for kids.  It’s important to start transitioning into a back to school routine at least a week before school starts (though it depends on your child).

In order to focus on transitioning into into back to school routine, it is important that all other back to school preparations are done, so you are not overwhelmed.

1. Establish bed time and wake up times

Bed time and wake up times, can be more flexible during the summer months.  As the first day of school approaches, it’s important to get the children into a normal bedtime routine for school days.  In order to get back into that routine, start a few weeks before school starts.  Bedtime should be at the same time as when it is a school day, and the same applies for wake up time.

2. Meal Times

When kids are at home, they tend to eat and snack at random times even though we as parents try and keep a routine.  Yet school lunch breaks time differs from home lunch time (even if we have a set time).  Therefore it is ideal to start adjusting meal times to be in line with school lunch breaks.

3. Morning and Evening Routines

As the school starts, you as a parent might need to adjust your morning and evening routine.  It is important to start practicing these routines, so you get into the habit again.  Such routines might include getting uniforms ready in the evening, packing lunches and getting school bags ready.  This transition can be stress free if you plan things in advance.

4. After School Routine

The after school routine is just as important as your morning and evening routines.  Don’t wait until it gets too busy to establish rules and goals for what needs to be done after school.  Don’t try to fit too many extra curricular activities because children require some downtime to relax and play.  Prepare a schedule of what needs to be done such as Homework, Extra curricular activities, play time and so on.  Even if your child has days where there is no homework, do not skip it, but allocate that time for extra reading or other educational activities.

Anything between 3 weeks to 1 week before should be fine.

Planning in advance and sharing clear expectations with your child is the best way to make the back to school transition less stressful and overwhelming.


Strugglingmum xxx

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