
5 Organisation Hacks you can implement today

Getting organised does not need to be expensive.  Repurposing things you already have at home can make all the difference.  Here are 5 organisation hacks you can implement today.

1. Use a lazy susan in the fridge

A lazy susan is not just for your kitchen cupboard, but also for your fridge.  It’s very handy to organise your condiments and have easy access.

Lazy susan
Lazy Susan

2. Cutlery organiser for your bathroom

Bathroom drawers can easily become cluttered and disorganised, unless you contain small bits and pieces.  A quick and inexpensive fix would be to use a cutlery organiser to organise your bathroom drawer.  It helps you contain items, like make up, toothpaste and toothbrush…the possibilities are endless.

3. Make use of Magnets

Tiny bathroom and you only have a wall mounted cabinet! Don’t worry you can still have small items organised without getting them lost amongst other things.  Fix a magnet inside the door of your wall mounted cabinet to organise nail clippers, twizzers and such.  You will never lose them again.

4. Organise your cleaning supplies

Under the sink is not easy to organise due to the necessary pipe words.  Spray bottles and cleaning supplies can easily end up jumbled up making it frustrating to find what you want.  Simply install a tension rod,  and hang spray bottles and any cleaning supplies that can easily be hung.

5. Use Magazine Organisers in your kitchen

Say what?! Yes you heard me well…use magaine organisers in your kitchen.  Use them organise under the sink for your cleaning supplies, or else to organise your baking paper. 

Using items you already have on hand, allows you to test organisational systems without spending money.  Once you are happy with how it’s working, then you can invest in fancier items.



Strugglingmum xxx

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