
10 Tips how to organize your home & keep it organized

10 Tips how to organise your home and keep it organised

One minute, the house is sparkling clean and organised and the next  it’s a total chaos.  Dirty dishes in the sink, dirty plates on the kitchen counter top, unmade bed and toys all over the house.  This is not the site you want to see, at the end of the day especially if you just returned from work or if you have been all day tending  to a toddler.  But how can you keep your home organised and tidy during busy weeks?


It’s important that you have a sound foundation, such as good organisational systems (which are set when you have ample time) so that during the week it’s a matter of maintenance.  It does not take hours to maintain an organised home…it only takes a few minutes and DISCIPLINE.  Here are  a few organisational task that you can commit to on a daily basis.

1. Make your Bed

I cannot reiterate enough the importance of making your bed as soon as you wake up.  It makes the room instantly look put together.  Don’t let it wait until you finish another task in another room, because you will never get back to it.

2. Have a designated space for everything

Have a space for everything and most importantly that it works for you.  If in the morning you are in a rush and make your daughter’s hair next to the door, then make sure to have all the essentials next to the door.  Running around to grab all the essentials, will not only make you lose time but also cause clutter because you are likely to leave them running around and not out them back in your daughter’s room.

3. Keep a to-do list

I get it that you are busy, and that keeping the home clean and organised 24/7 is not always possible but having a list to help you prioritize your tasks helps.  There might be tasks that require more time and attention which are to be done when you have the time.

4. The One Minute Rule

If it takes less than one minute to do it, then do it immediately.  These small tasks add up quickly and that is how clutter accumulates.  Putting a plate in the dishwasher takes only a few seconds…so don’t leave it on the countertop. Think about how many minutes you would have saved with those small tasks.

5. The Neverending story of Laundry

If your laundry bin, is full do a load…don’t let it overflow.  I just love my delayed timer and app of my washing machine.  I can time a load to start whilst I am still sleeping, so as soon as I wake up and let it dry or even whilst I am at work.

6. Never Leave a Room Empty Handed

Am sure that in any room, there is something that does not belong there whether it’s a toy, a cup or an empty wrapper.  Every time you leave a room, quickly check for items that don’t belong there but belongs to the room where you are going.  Once you get into this habit it will work wonders.

7. Clean the Fridge on a weekly basis

Don’t let leftovers take over your fridge.  Clean the fridge on a weekly basis from those items that will definitely not be eaten.  Before grocery shopping day, do a deep cleaning of the fridge.

8. The Nightly Tidy

Every night, to a quick tidy.  Put your sofa cushions in place, arrange the throw, and pick up anything that is out of place (you can use a laundry basket to contain it).  You don’t need to put away immediately but assign a day when you are going to tackle it.

9. Get your Family involved

If someone leaves a dish in the sink, the others will follow.  This will take time to get everyone on board but take the time to explain to the family members the importance.  Set up reminders…put a sticky note next to the sink stating “PUT IN THE DISHWASHER” (obviously if you have a dishwasher).  Start with small tasks.

10. Schedule a decluttering session

We tend to forget what is hidden in the cupboards.  Once a month schedule a cupboard decluttering session. Choose one cupboard, take everything out choose what you want to keep and what to can get rid of.

Keeping your home organised and clean can be easy if you build good habits with small tasks everyday.  Getting into the habit and getting started is the difficult part! If there are days that you skip those habits get back on track as soon as possible.  Bad habits are easier to take on board than good ones.



Strugglingmum xxx

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