
How to Organize the Master Bedroom

Your master bedroom is your sanctuary.  It’s the first thing and last thing you see everyday.  It sets the mood of your day, therefore if in the morning all you see is clutter and cannot find your outfit, your day is off to an unpleasant start.  Having a clutter free and organized master bedroom is your first step towards a tranquil day.

But where do you start?

Start off by having clear surfaces.  Why? As you see everything tidy, it gives an immediate motivation to continue.  No matter from where you start always move clockwise.

If you think you will get your bedroom organised without decluttering, then don’t even bother to start.  In any organising project, decluttering is key.  There will always be something that you have held on to, but that is no longer serving you.

Let’s start tackling each part of your master bedroom

1. Bedside Table

Start off by clearing the surface of your bedside table…clean…and only put the essentials back such as alarm clock, phone charger or a small tray to keep reading glasses or watch.

If you have drawers, don’t be tempted to over fill them.  Again keep your essentials.  Go through every item and determine whether you actually use that item before you go to bed.  If you don’t, then it needs a new home.

2. Your Vanity

The vanity can get pretty messy, if not decluttered on a regular basis and putting that extra effort to put everything back in place.  There are all sorts of bits and pieces from make up to jewelry.  As mentioned it is important to first declutter, keep only those items that you use on a regular basis and items that you are most likely to use.  Group like items together and start categorizing.  If you prefer to keep your make up in drawers, make sure that for each type of make up you allocate a container.

As far as jewelry is concerned, do invest in a jewelry organiser, particularly for rings and earings.  With regards to necklaces, always choose something that allows the necklace to lay straight or hanging.  Detangling necklaces can be a nightmare.

3. Wardrobe or Walk-in closet

No matter how big or small your wardrobe or walk-in is, don’t feel compelled to fill every corner of it.  Make sure that what you own, is what you love and wear.

I cannot reiterate this enough but YOU CANNOT GET ORGANISED UNLESS YOU DECLUTTER. 

Go through every clothing item you have and ask yourself:

1. Is it in good condition?

2. Does it still fit?

3. When have I worn it last?

Those items that are being kept need to be put back in.  Here comes the organising part, where you need to implement your organisational system.  Putting back your clothes is fine – it’s being tidy – but having them organised is another story.

  • Hangers –  always choose velvet thin hangers.  Why? They are sturdy, slim thus save space and your clothing item will not slip.


  • Folding – this is crucial to get make your wardrobe look tidy.  If you prefer to store your jumpers on top of each other, don’t overdo it…they will inevitably topple over.  Always categorize your jumpers…whether casual, work etc.

          If you have drawers, don’t store your jumpers on top of each other as inevitably your drawer will get messy.   Store them upright, one after the other in a filing system.  If you feel that they will fall, then either use drawer dividers or boxes to contain you shirts.  Purchasing a wardrobe organiser is even better.

Wardrober organiser
Wardrobe Organiser

In order to keep your wardrobe / walk-in organised you have to be mindful of what you purchase. Be careful of sales…they are great for a bargain but you can get carried away with purchasing clothes that you don’t really need.

3. Shoes

Just like with clothes, one needs be careful at the amount of shoes one purchases.  Always keep in mind your lifestyle.  It’s always better to spend money on good quality shoes rather than many pairs but of low quality.

But what about organizing shoes? Should you keep in their original box or take them out?

It is really a matter of preference.

First and foremost you need to decide which shoes would be your day to day ones. If you don’t enter the home with your outdoor shoes, than shoes you wear often need to be stored next to your front door.  Use specifically designed shoe organisers, don’t let them lay around haphazardly. 

Those shoes that are stored in your walk-in or wardrobe, if kept in their original box, always store with the shoe picture facing towards you so you can easily see what shoe it is.  If the box does not have a picture of your shoe, then take a photo and stick it to the box. It makes it so much easier when you are looking for a particular shoe.

If you decide to remove your shoes from their original box, then ideally  you opt for transparent containers.

4. Scarves & belts

Scarves & belts find their place in your master bedroom, whether in your closet or in one of your drawers.

Depending on the material of your belts, you need to determine whether it’s best to hang it or roll it.  Avoid rolling leather belts because through time they tend to crack.

As far as scarves are concerned, like t-shirts avoid stacking on top of each other.  You should either fold and organise in a filing system or else roll them like a doughnut.

If you have good organisational systems in place, maintaining it would be easy.  Sometimes, when we are in a hurry we tend to leave thing laying around, and that’s ok but make sure that you pick them up as soon as possible and not let everything accumulate.



Strugglingmum xxx

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