
8 Tips for your Spring Cleaning Routine

Spring cleaning routine

When we think of Spring, inevitably we think of spring cleaning.  Our mind starts making a list of what needs to be done and how long it will take us to get the house in order.  Before we get started, we feel overwhelmed and disheartened with all the work we need to do but if we plan and avoid distractions it can be done in no time.

1. Plan and get into the right mindset

Allocate a date and time, when you are going to do certain tasks. Make a to do list of what needs to be done i.e. what requires special attention and so on.  On the day, make sure you have all the tools required and avoid any distractions.  If listening to music gets you distracted…because you end up dancing or changing the music…then go for audio books or podcasts.   Find something that is not too engaging that would want you to stop and listen but at the same time something that would keep your mind off how much cleaning you have to do.

2. It's time to clean not tidying up and organising

Spring cleaning is all about cleaning where you don’t normally clean, not about tidying or organising.   It’s all about cleaning behind furniture, cleaning on top of cupboards and other areas that during your usual cleaning routine you would not do.  Make sure you have items such as a dusting mitten, cobweb cleaner and dusters that can reach on top of your doors.

3. Start from the top and move to the bottom

During our day to day cleaning routine, we would normally dust surfaces and where we can physically reach.  During spring cleaning, you need to reach areas that are not often done and the best way is to start from the top.  Remove cobwebs, tackle chandeliers and slowly move downwards.  Wipe your walls and skirting (baseboards) that you might have, and chair legs.

4. Your best friend is your vaccum cleaner

One of the most important tools whilst doing spring cleaning is the vacuum cleaner.  Don’t just use for carpets, but for the floors, blinds, behind furniture and also sofas.  Once you run you vacuum cleaner, you can go with a damp duster and wipe everything down.

5. Don't forget to clean your tools

Start off your spring cleaning routine, with your equipment clean.  There is nothing more frustrating than having to stop because your vacuum cleaner is full from your previous cleaning sessions.   

6. Don't forget your appliances

Spring cleaning your appliances does not only mean cleaning the outer part and behind them but also making sure to clean as drains (such as washing machines), wiping inside your dishwasher.  Don’t forget the fridge too…although you clean it on a regular basis make sure you do a deep clean of each corner and seal.  For the fridge make sure there is nothing expired or that has gone bad.

7. Use natural ingredients to clean and remove odurs

The best way to remove odors is to use baking soda…sprinkle some on your mattress and then vacuum.  Sprinkle baking soda and white vinegar in your kitchen sink, it will not only make your sink shine but also remove any odors from the drain.

8. Start the garbage therapy

The garbage therapy is all about doing a quick declutter.  You don’t need to sort or organise.  Just go round the house on the look out for any clutter that had been laying around.  It could be empty bottles or that missing sock collection that you have in the laundry room (which let’s face it the likelihood that you will find it’s match is very remote)

Breaking the spring cleaning routine into smaller tasks will help you to stay focused and get things done.



Strugglingmum xxx

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