
How to Organize your wardrobe….with no baskets

The changing of the seasons is a great opportunity to go through your clothes and declutter. The weather is still very unstable, but I went ahead and made the transition from winter into summer.

In one of my previous blog post, I had shared tips on how to organize your bedroom ( Therefore in today’s blog post I will be sharing how to organize the wardrobe without the use of baskets.

If you are still at the initial stage of designing your wardrobe, I would highly recommend , taking the time to go into the details of your wardrobe interior. In addition, go for some organizational features, it’s worth the extra cost.

My side of the wardrobe, has a shelf at the top and a rod. I use the rod for dresses, shirts and trousers. I use the top shelf to store scarves (in one bin) and handbags / clutches. On the bottom shelf is organize t-shirts.

There are various ways how to approach the organization of the wardrobe. The most famous one is the KonMari method. If you are unfamiliar with the KonMari method, it is a tidying method. It approaches organizational projects according to categories and not according to the room. One of the categories is clothes. One has to take every single clothing item, look at it and ask if it ‘Sparks Joy’. In addition, this method is not about throwing things out, but about keeping items that make you happy.

Here is how I did it without the use of only one storage container:

I started off from top shelf, and moved downwards. At the top I keep handbags and clutch bag that I don’t use often. I was able to purge quite a few and only kept my favorite three:

My favourite 3 clutches

I just love scarves!!! The ones I don’t use often are kept on a hanger in the wardrobe. Those I wear frequently are kept on the coat hanger next to the front door. The time has come to fold them away, and only keep summer scarves. I folded them the KonMari method and stored them away in a box. This box went on the top shelf of the wardrobe.

Scarves folded KonMari method
Scarves store in storage box

Sorting out clothes can be messy as need to take everything out to put in the wardrobe and vice versa. I store off season clothes, in the under the bed storage.

Under the bed storage

Go through your clothes, before storing away seasonal clothes. Sort in 3 different piles (a) keep (b) donate (c) trash. The clothes that I love and still fit go into the ‘keep’ pile. The ones that don’t fit any longer or don’t ‘Spark Joy’ go into the ‘donate’. Lastly the clothes that have seen better days go into the ‘trash’ pile.

Winter clothes all piled up and summer clothes ready to be organized

This exercise can be time consuming but will definitely save you some space in the long run. I always store away clothes in air tight plastic bags (1) to protect clothes (2) to save space.

The next step is to start organizing your wardrobe. Whenever possible, follow the one arm movement. Do not overload a hanger, because the chances of clothes falling off is high. And you would end up with a messy wardrobe.

Putting the hanger backwards

In the photo above, you may notice that the hangers are backwards. Why? you might ask. It is a simple answer. When I wear those clothing items, I will put the hanger back in the right way. Any clothing that has remained with the hanger facing backwards would have to be donated or thrown away, as I would have not worn them.

Folding clothes the KonMari way is a life changer. It does save space, and the fact that you can see your clothes makes it more likely to wear them. The KonMari folding method, is all about folding everything in a rectangular shape. When folded in a rectangle the item can stand on its own, and can be stored away in a filing system.

Summer T-shirts folded KonMari method

You can fold anything the KonMari way, from t-shirts to trousers to underwear to kitchen towels.

Frankly speaking, changing from one season to another is not my favorite thing to do.

I hope today’s blog post has inspired you to transition from winter to summer clothes, and gave you some ideas how to organize with minimal organizational items.


Strugglingmum xxx

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