January blues

The festivities are over and we are faced with January and for some of us the January blues kick in.  January can make even the most energetic of us feel down the dumps.  It’s back to work and back to the routine.  The cold and rainy weather does not help.

During the month of December, we have spent time with our families, going out or at home, eating and spending (in gifts and outings).  So January finds us with spending more time at home and less socializing and with less money in our pockets.  So can you beat those January blues:

1. Exercise

January blues

After all the eating during the festive season, we might have gained a kilo or two and this could be the culprit of us feeling low.  So just get up and start exercising, no need to enroll into a gym but go out for a walk or just find some exercise classes on YouTube.

2. Plan a holiday

Let’s be honest, when you have something to look forward to makes you feel happier.  What better way, to start planning for a holiday for next summer.  It will definitely make you feel better.

3. Go out

January blues

Go out, enjoy the sunshine even if it is cold.  You don’t need to spend lots of money.  Get yourself a healthy packed lunch and go out in the countryside for a picnic.

4. Declutter

January blues

During the festive season we seen various items come into our homes, so why not spend some time going through your belongings and do a 30-day decluttering challenge.  You will start February on the right foot.

5. Budget

January blues

The festivities can leave out pockets empty, so take the opportunity during the month of January to start budgeting.  Meal plan for the month and include as much from your pantry as possible.   Start batch cooking, so you don’t have to think about it during the rest of the month.  Set your financial goals, especially if you are planning a holiday.


Hope the above tips will help you to overcome the January blues.




Strugglingmum xxxx

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