How to set goals and achieve them

how to set goals and achieve them

Everyone tries to set goals but why?  It’s not just about setting goals but also about achieving them.  How do you set goals and most importantly how to achieve those goals.

What are goals?

A goal is something you would like to achieve whether on a personal level or at a work level.  In simple terms, a goal is a dream but with a deadline.

Setting up goals (no matter how small or big) gives you a sense of direction.  It gives you the motivation to work hard towards something you always dreamed of.

Here is how to set and achieve your goals:

1. Set realistic goals that are worthwhile

We all have big dreams, however it’s important to set realistic goals and that are worthwhile.  Take into consideration your passions because it would be easier to achieve them. 

Don’t try to set goals that are beyond your control.  Winning the lottery can be a goal, but definitely beyond your control.  Your personal goals, should not depend on others or circumstances which you are unable to control.

If you are passionate about your goal, it comes easy to imagine your future self.

2. Write your goals

It may sound a cliche` but truth is that when we write things down we are more likely to get things done.  Don’t just day dream about your goal…make it real. 

Don’t just write it down, but make it visible.   Stick it somewhere where you can see it on a daily basis.  It’s your constant reminder.

3. Break it down into smaller steps

If you have a long term goal, at times it can be discouraging not seeing progress.  However, if you break down your goal into smaller tasks that are easily achievable and realistic.

For example if your goal is to move house, that is your ultimate goal, but in order to achieve that you need smaller tasks such as having enough money, selling your current home, finding a new home, take a loan, make structural changes, book movers and so on.  Each task can be broken down into smaller tasks.

4. Have a Plan

Create an action plan to achieve your goal.  Once you have written the steps, have a plan how to achieve each task.  As you tick off each task you are one step closer to your goal.

5. Take time to reflect and adjust your goal

In life not everything goes according to plan and that’s ok.  As you work towards your goal, you will be faced with challenges which might hinder you from achieving your goals within the set time frame. 

Don’t fret about it…take time to revisit your goal and determine whether you need to change your course of action.





Strugglingmum xxx

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